Jul 8, 2008

from 2 to 1

So, this does not happen very often. It has only been Devin and I at home together for almost 2 hours now...Addie and Justin went to a friends house to check something out for them, and had to do some shopping. And I have already baked 2 kinds of muffins, cleaned my kitchen checked my e-mail and written a few and now I am catching up on my blog. Devin has napped and is just smiling away content to be on my lap. Don't get me wrong....I am not happy to have them gone, but I feel like I am having a ME night kinda. I dunno....anyways let me catch you up on what we have been doing. I have decided it is about time we finished our basement and so this week I put the second coat of paint on the walls and did some touchups here and there. It went surprisingly fast. It is nice not to be pregnant painting. That was definately a labor of love for my kids. We have been trying to spend lots of time outside. I am too cheap to buy devin blue sunglasses so....he has been wearing addie's old pink ones. She wanted to try her new ones on him and took the baby ones and it turned out to be pretty cute. I ahve to say dev looks quite pretty in the pink ones too!! haha. Sorry son!!
There we go...he looks like a boy here!!

How is Devin standing??!! are those fingers or just more rolls!!??! kids get so dirty in the summer. We try to never miss bathtime. It is a fun time for them too. They both love splasing around.

Devin is so strong. and getting so big. He had his 3 mo appmt today. He weighed in at 19 pounds and 27 inches long. I am so proud of him though. Our doctor could not believe how strong and happy he was. She played with him for a long time...it was cute.
They are still gone...maybe I should tackle the bathrooms...


mommy p said...

Cuties - Devin is growing so quickly - we can hardly wait for camping with you guys. Addie's hair is adorable - good job mommy.

steph said...

devin has the forearm rolls!! those were my favorite ones of crew's and now they're almost gone and i'm so sad. you need to sit and relax if you ask me....do you have a lazy bone in you? it sure doesn't seem like it.

Lisa said...

It's funny how much you can get done with just one. It didn't feel like that when I had just one, but now......! Devin and Addie are so cute and I just love them to pieces.