Oct 21, 2009

I love this age!!

They are actually playing together!!! It is a Hatch miracle. Not that they are bad kids, but they are close enough in age that they often want the same thing at the same time. I love it when they play together and keep each other happy.

I don't know if it is just me....but I think Addie is at such a pretty stage. She is my little helper. She loves to do jobs for me, which is really helpful, and she is starting to get some regular chores around the house which I didn;t think would happen at 3 1/2 but I am glad it has as she helps out a lot!
And then there is Devin. He is 18 months and such a sweetie. I have found myself thinking every day that he is at my most favorite age. He tries to repeat our words...and is getting so good. He can say about 1/4 of what we do. Addie works with him a lot. And he loves trucks, and cars, and calls, and anything of his Daddy's. It is really cute. But he is also cuddly, and loving. His cutest work right now is 'see ya' it just comes out so funny and when Addie was a baby her Grandma Hatch taught her how to say 'I do' when we asked who loves grandma/mommy/daddy... And Devin is saying that now too. It is adorable. He is in nursery now too, which is fun, but Justin is there now too which is great for Devin but Justin and I were sure looking forward to going to class together. He is going to be great for nursery.
The shirt says it all!!
Mom, Addie has used this paint set almost every day. It is great though. The brushes that coordinate with the paint color so they don't get all mixed up is brilliant. she loves it and so do i. It really keeps her busy.


Cheryl said...

I'm so glad you're back! Your kids are adorable!!!

mommy p said...

Thanks for posting something. The pictures say it all - cuties. I am so glad Addie loves to paint, and Devin is such a typical boy. Love it!!

Amy said...

Awww Roxanne your kids are so freaking adorable! Devin looks so much bigger since even the last time we saw him, like taller!! Thanks for that message on the phone of devin saying mammy!! its so cute!!! :) Love you guys and yes...i am excited for christmas too!!

Earl said...

Roxanne, family is everything, and yours makes me smile. Keep up the great work of love.