Apr 10, 2009

Devins first birthday and Keaton's goodbye

Justin's younger brother Keaton Left for his mission to London England early Thursday morning. We all went to his setting apart and were sad to see him leave but were so happy that he is taking this opportunity to serve. He will do great.

Leanna and Kevin gave Devin a little Future Missionary tag for his birthday. He looks so cute with it on next to his uncle's real tag.
How much more cool could you get?
So Devin was sick on his brithday so we did not take very many pictures. We did get this one of his Handy Manny tool box wearing his new sweater from Grandma H.

This is what he looked like most of the day. Snuggling with Daddy.

This is the cake I made Devin. Addie and I made the tools out of foam, so they weren't edible. But really it was good enough....he did not even have a piece. What a lame birthday. Oh well. You can't win them all. We enjoyed it for him!
Grandma hatch Took Addie on a date one afternoon. They did some fun Wal-Mart shopping They picked out these pink rubber boots, heart umbrella, and super cute hat. So stylin!

Addie's favorite thing to do for awhile had been to build these obstacle courses. She loves climbing from one thing to the next and likes to mix up the order of everything. We often fear she will fall and break her neck....but she has pretty good coordination.

Little girls in daddy's work boots. Can't get much cuter!


April Bishop said...

I love the cake. The tools turned out great. It's rough when kids are sick, but the worst on their birthday! Hope he's feeling better...

Lashauna said...

Poor Devin. :( Too bad he was sick. Happy Birthday to Devin! Miss you guys - We are going to be in Brooks soon. You might have to come and visit!

Amy said...

AWWW I always love your blogs.
Im glad that Devin is feeling better now, well a little better.
Its funny because i actually am at your house.
Hehe love you