May 13, 2010

Addison's 4th Birthday

The countdown is finally over, and addison's birthday has come and gone. The anticipation almost kills her every year, so we do our best to make it a special day for her. She was so excited to open her presents in the morning. She opened the ones from G&G Pierson and from us first and loved it all. She was on cloud 9!!
What a beautiful Cinderella!!!

She wanted a Cinderella cake of course, and although I am not a pro decorator...I did my best and she loved it so that is the most important thing!

Devin loved all the excitement and sang happy birthday all day long!

Addison really wanted a friends birthday party this year again, so she kept it pretty small. She had 3 little girls over and they were asked to dress up in their princess gear, and just happened to all show up as Cinderella. It was really cute. We had fun. We first we made jewel bracelets, then talked about princess edicate and had some snacks. Then we played some games and finished off with presents and cake. The girls seemed to have fun and Addison loved having them over.

In the evening we had a family birthday party with the Herrington's and Boutin's. We had Addie's favorite for supper, pizza, of course, and was excited to open up more presents after dinner.

Right after she opened her new jewelry and jewelry box from G&G Hatch she ran up to her room and reorganized all her necklaces. She loved it!

Hey Lee.....I wish this picture was not a little blurry, but besides that I love it. So cute!

Addie loves her Auntie Jocie!

Thanks to everyone for making the day so special for our little princess. She had a wonderful day and was obviously tuckered out because it is 9:39am and she is still in bed!! Our little sleeping beauty.
We love you Addie!


Lisa said...

Happy belated birthday Addison. What a beautiful princess you are! It looks like you had a really special day. We love you!

Roxanne, great job with the cake! I wish we lived closer so we could have shared in the day too. We love you guys. Thanks for the update!

mommy p said...

Such a wonderful day. It looks like you all had fun. Have fun being 4 for 1 whole year. PS (Great job on the cake)!!

mommy p said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Roxi said...

haha...that looks's comment was removed by me! It was the same one twice..

Cheryl said...

You're right, it did look bad. I'm glad it was just an error. It would have been sad if someone had been mean. Anyway...
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Addison,
Happy birhtday to you!
She made a beautiful Cinderella! In fact, I think she's even prettier than the original one. :)

Lashauna said...

Can you believe we are parents of 4-year-olds! It seems like just yesterday we were having Pres meetings in your basement and comparing Moses and Addi`s little baby feet! Miss you guys!