Feb 28, 2009

Devin's first steps!!!

Ok, don't get too excited, Devin is not running around the house yet, but our family was watching some home videos today of Addie when she was exactly Devin's age and she was taking steps between Justin and I. So tonight before we put the kids to bed we tried it out with Devin and he did amazing. His balance is getting pretty good and we have noticed around the house he will let go of things and stand on his own for a couple good long seconds. So tonight he went back and forth between us for about a half hour. Many attempts were just 1 step or him tipping, but he did 3, 4, and even 5 steps a couple times. We can't remember ever seeing Devin get so excited. Every time he fell he was ready to go again and was having so much fun laughing and loving the attention. So the fun is on!! We loved practicing this with Addie and love it just as much with Dev.


Amy said...

AWWW thats so exciting!! i cant wait to see that little boy walk! i can just image those chubby little legs!! hahahah aww

Lashauna said...

Way to go Dev!

Chalsey said...

ROXANNE!!! It's Chalsey! I miss you! I snooped on your blog. Your family is beautiful, are you guys in Edmonton? What's your email? We need to catch up! xo Chals

Roxi said...

Hey Chalsey!! My address is hatch.rd@gmail.com I'd love to hear from you!!